The aim of the Programme to promote the participation of economic operators in fairs and exhibitions (hereinafter referred to as "the Programme") is to support and promote the small and medium-sized enterprise sector by partially reimbursing the eligible costs of participation of economic operators in national and regional exhibitions/fairs. It is also aimed at supporting producers of goods and services in promoting domestic and foreign markets of domestic projects, technologies, know-how, goods and services, as well as creating appropriate conditions for establishing business contacts, partnership and domestic and international cooperation, with the aim of attracting foreign investment in the economy of the republic, joint organization of production processes or implementation of projects, ensuring the domestic market with consumer goods and raw materials for industry, as well as exchange of advanced experience.

Any economic agent that is classified as a micro, small or medium-sized enterprise in accordance with Article 5 of Law No. 179 of 21 July 2016 on small and medium-sized enterprises may participate in the Programme;

  1. is classified as a micro, small or medium-sized enterprise in accordance with Article 5 of Law No 179 of 21 July 2016 on small and medium-sized enterprises;
  2. is established and registered on the territory of the Republic of Moldova in accordance with the legislation in force;
  3. does not register arrears to the national public budget at the date of submission of the grant application;
  4. is not in insolvency proceedings;
  5. confirms with supporting documents the payment of 100% of the exhibition registration fee and/or the exhibition space rental fee;

New to the Programme!!!

Applicants who meet the eligibility criteria and have participated in the off-line/physical exhibition are entitled to benefit from:

  • 100% of the cost of the exhibition/trade fair registration fee, but not more than 3 000 lei (excluding VAT);
  • 50 % of the cost of renting the contracted exhibition space, but not more than 5 000 lei (excluding VAT);

The maximum amount transferred to an applicant/per off-line/physical exhibition will not exceed 8 000 lei and will be transferred to the subsidy applicant's account only after submission of the complete file.

The grant applicant meeting the eligibility criteria, participating in the virtual exhibition is entitled to benefit from 100 % of the cost of the exhibition/trade fair registration fee, but not more than 2 000 lei;


The subsidy application must be submitted online and must contain the following documents:

Nr.d/o Document name Additional requirements to the document Obligation
1. Programme Participation Form (Annex 1)

Original - signed with a qualified advanced electronic signature by the applicant

2. Grant application (Annex 2)

Original - signed with a qualified advanced electronic signature by the applicant

3. Contract of participation in the exhibition/fair signed by the economic operator and the organiser of the exhibition

Copy from Original (saved in PDF format)

4. Payment order /Payment slip /Payment voucher certifying full payment (both registration fee and space rental fee) of the economic operator's participation in the exhibition

Copy from Original (saved in PDF format)

5. The tax invoice and the deed of delivery/receipt of services issued by the Exhibition Organiser certifying the execution of the services

Copy from Original (saved in PDF format)

6. Declaration on the amount of de minimis aid received (Annex 4)

Original - signed with qualified advanced electronic signature by the applicant


Affidavit of compliance with the original of the documents supplied (Annex No 5)

Original - signed with qualified advanced electronic signature by the applicant


List of items exhibited at the exhibition/fair (Annex no.7)

PDF format with qualified advanced electronic signature application Yes
9. Fișa de evaluare a eficienței participării la expoziție/târg (Anexa nr.8) PDF format with qualified advanced electronic signature application Yes


Programme application form


Chisinau, bd. Stefan cel Mare 134,
3rd floor, office 331,
Contact phone: 069 955 617,
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.